Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fashion and Betty Crocker and a Mysterious Murderer

Sounds like a title for a novel eh? Except it's not - it's actually the summary of the past weekend. At least, for me personally - I can't be accountable for everybody's weekend!

Friday night was the Free the Children Fashion Show and it went really well! Everybody got there around 5 or 5:30, spent an hour or so doing hair and makeup and then we practiced for a bit before the big event. Coming up with poses was the most difficult part - to pout or not to pout? In the end, I forgot about my nervousness and just did whatever came to mind! It was over rather quickly and then it was the other models' turns to walk. The audience loved the designs and I even bought the jewelry I was modeling because it was so beautiful! My feet definitely deserved a massage after all that walking around in high heels!

On Saturday night, a good friend and I cooked up a storm for about 5 hours. It. Was. Awesome. We made Wacky Cake (chocolate) and homemade cinnamon buns. The cinnamon buns took the longest because they had to rise for two hours but the cake only took 30 minutes and we had a piece as soon as it came out of the oven! The cinnamon buns we cooked the next morning and they were delicious....warm and soft. In fact, we've already eaten them all! Betty Crocker has nothing on us.

Sunday afternoon, I went to a Murder Mystery Party at a friend's house. Murder Mystery is a game that you only play once because after you've played, you know who the murderer is. There's usually a story about how someone was killed and there's all these various characters who have reason to have killed them. The people coming to the party dress up as those characters and act out how they believe the character might actually behave. There's four scenes in all and in each scene, secrets and motives are revealed for each character. At the end, everyone has to guess who the murderer is (the murderer finds out by reading their script). We did this last year and had so much fun, we had to do it again! It was an afternoon full of laughter as everyone attempted to behave as their character. One person was a magician and one of their lines was, "I can make things disappear before you even knew they were there." Good times for sure.

All in all, it was another great weekend but soon midterms are coming up! That means I might actually have to start hitting the books....oh dear.

1 comment:

Mystery Maiden said...

Hi Lauren!

Murder mysteries are a blast - and from the picture it looks as though you all had a great time!

Leigh Clements
The Mystery Maiden
Shot In The Dark Mysteries.com